This editorial magazine was inspired by the annual SPD Spread Competition hosted by The Society of Publication Designers. The fashion category of the competition influenced the creation of this print work.
“Velocity” is a fashion magalog that highlights the news regarding high –end and unique fashion. The first spread covers Colleen Atwood, the costume designer behind Tim Burton’s Alice Behind the Looking Glass, and other films. The illustrative design of the spread is inspired by the film, showing a visual of her work at the bottom. The colors palette consists of blues and purples which match the feel of the film and her designs.
The second spread shows the 2024 Met Gala Theme, “Sleeping Beauty.” The gears, gold, and florals relate to the guest’s dress code “Garden of Time.” The gold and pink accents create an elegant, yet hand-done feel to match the line art style of the illustrations.
Tools: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator